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HomeStatistics2022 Truck Series Statistical Driver Review: Part 1

2022 Truck Series Statistical Driver Review: Part 1

Welcome, over the next week and a half or so we will be reviewing and rating how each driver in the NASCAR Truck series has done in the 2022 season (min. 10 races started). Each part will contain 3-5 drivers and have them grouped by organization/satellite team or truck manufacturer as best as possible. The review will include the drivers 2022 season statistics, along with ranks among drivers in 2022 with season ranking since the Truck Playoffs started in 2016. We will also highlight playoff stats, notable streaks accomplished through the year, 2022 short track (under 1.0 mile), small track (1.0-1.3 mile), intermediate track (1.3-1.5 mile), big track (2-2.5 mile), road course, superspeedway (drafting tracks) and dirt track statistics. Then I will give a brief summary/review, finally ending with a grade A+ thru F-.


First up is the championship team, Front Row Motorsports, driver and former Ford teammates David Gilliland Racing drivers.
Front Row Motorsport Driver

Zane Smith – 1st in points

2022 Stats
Category Statistic 2022 Rank ÂŞRank Thru 23 Races
 Avg. Fin.¹ 7.7 2nd of 31 5th of 206
 Wins 4 1st of 106 T8th of 752
 Poles 1 T5th of 106 T24th of 752
 Top 2’s 9 1st of 106 T1st of 752
 Top 3’s 11 1st of 106 T4th of 752
 Top 5’s 14 1st of 106 T2nd of 752
 Top 10’s 19 1st of 106 T2nd of 752
 DNF’sÂą 0 T1st of 31 T1st of 206
 Stage Wins 10 1st of 106 T4th of 642*
 Stage T10s 33 T1st of 106 T20th of 642*
 Stage Pts 207 2nd of 106 16th of 642*
 Playoff Pts² 30 1st of 106 6th of 642*

ÂŞSince Playoffs started in 2016
ÂąRanks of drivers with 10+ starts in a year
²Earned from races only
*Stage racing started in 2017

  • Playoff Statistics this year (Rank among drivers with 1+ playoff start, 59 drivers, Avg. Finish and DNF ranks among drivers with 3+ playoff starts, 41 drivers)
  • 7 Races, Avg. Finish 5.43(2nd), 1 Win(T2nd), 1 Pole(T2nd), 3 Top 2’s(T1st), 4 Top 3’s(1st), 5 Top 5’s(1st), 6 Top 10’s(T1st), 0 DNF’s(T1st), 3 Stage Wins(3rd), 12 Stage Top 10’s(T2nd), 56 Stage Points(6th), 8 Playoff Points earned in a race(4th)
  • Notable Streaks this year
  • 2 straight Top 2 finishes (active streak)
  • 4 straight Top 3 finishes
  • 6 straight Top 10 finishes
  • 2022 Short Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Short Track start, 51 drivers)
  • 4 Races, Avg. Finish 5.75(T4th), Best 2nd, Worst 9th, Led 10.97% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 1 Top 2, 2 Top 3’s, 2 Top 5’s, 4 Top 10’s, 4 Top 15’s, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 1 Stage Win, 3.5 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Small Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Small Track start, 41 drivers)
  • 2 Races, Avg. Finish 5.0(T4th), Best 1st, Worst 9th, Led 29.15% of laps run, 1 Win, 1 Pole, 1 Top 2, 1 Top 3, 1 Top 5, 2 Top 10’s, 2 Top 15’s, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 2 Stage Wins, 2.0 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Intermediate Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Intermediate Track start, 62 drivers)
  • 8 Races, Avg. Finish 11.25(10th), Best 1st, Worst 36th, Led 25.16% of laps run, 1 Win, 0 Poles, 3 Top 2’s, 3 Top 3’s, 5 Top 5’s, 6 Top 10’s, 6 Top 15’s, 2 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 4 Stage Wins, 5.88 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Big Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Big Track start, 36 drivers)
  • 1 Race, Avg. Finish 13.0(13th), Best 13th, Worst 13th, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 0 Top 10’s, 1 Top 15, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 4.0 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Road Course Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Road Course start, 51 drivers)
  • 3 Races, Avg. Finish 1.67(1st), Best 1st, Worst 2nd, Led 10.11% of laps run, 1 Win, 0 Poles, 3 Top 2’s, 3 Top 3’s, 3 Top 5’s, 3 Top 10’s, 3 Top 15’s, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 3 Stage Wins, 7.0 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Superspeedway Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Superspeedway start, 50 drivers)
  • 3 Races, Avg. Finish 7.67(4th), Best 1st, Worst 17th, Led 1.19% of laps run, 1 Win, 0 Poles, 1 Top 2, 1 Top 3, 2 Top 5’s, 2 Top 10’s, 2 Top 15’s, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 2.83 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Dirt Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Dirt Track start, 46 drivers)
  • 2 Races, Avg. Finish 6.5(6th), Best 3rd, Worst 10th, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 1 Top 3, 1 Top 5, 2 Top 10’s, 2 Top 15’s, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 2.5 Stage Pts Per Stage
Zane Smith had one of the better seasons since the playoffs started for the Truck Series in 2016. All of Smith’s stats are 20th or better (except poles) in the thru 23 races category above. Furthermore Smith’s 2022 ranks are either 1st or 2nd in every category except poles, and his 7.7 average finish is only bested by Ryan Preece who only ran 10 races. In the playoffs his average finish of 5.43 was again only 2nd to Preece, which is impressive considering he only had 1 Win. In addition to that win though he had 3 Top 2’s (including 2 straight to end the season), 5 Top 5’s and 6 Top 10’s in 7 races, and his only finish outside the Top 10 was Talladega. Also, don’t be mislead by his Stage Pts in the playoffs, they rank 6th because he technically didn’t earn any at Phoenix otherwise he would have 76 which would rank him 3rd. As far as tracks go Smith was a beast at most tracks. Besides the one Big track race Smith’s worst tracks average finish is 11.25 at Intermediates, which would be 7.0 without the DQ at Las Vegas. Out of all the styles though his best were Road Courses where he sported a 1.67 average finish and his worst finish in 3 races was 2nd. His worst tracks were Big tracks where in the only Big track race this year he finished 13th, but did get 4 Stage Pts Per Stage. Overall Smith was the rightful champion this year and looking to next year Smith is my title favorite. I see his stats probably being around the same as this year, or could be even better potentially.
Final Grade: A+
David Gilliland Racing Drivers

Tanner Gray – 15th in points

2022 Stats
Category Statistic 2022 Rank ÂŞRank Thru 23 Races
 Avg. Fin.¹ 17.96 18th of 31 115th of 206
 Wins 0 T16th of 106 T85th of 752
 Poles 0 T10th of 106 T63rd of 752
 Top 2’s 0 T19th of 106 T129th of 752
 Top 3’s 0 T20th of 106 T154th of 752
 Top 5’s 2 T14th of 106 T104th of 752
 Top 10’s 6 17th of 106 T91st of 752
 DNF’sÂą 3 T21st of 31 T85th of 206
 Stage Wins 0 T13th of 106 T82nd of 642*
 Stage T10s 12 15th of 106 T77th of 642*
 Stage Pts 49 16th of 106 T77th of 642*
 Playoff Pts² 0 T14th of 106 T80th of 642*

ÂŞSince Playoffs started in 2016
ÂąRanks of drivers with 10+ starts in a year
²Earned from races only
*Stage racing started in 2017

  • Playoff Statistics this year (Rank among drivers with 1+ playoff start, 59 drivers, Avg. Finish and DNF ranks among drivers with 3+ playoff starts, 41 drivers)
  • 7 Races, Avg. Finish 19.43(24th), 0 Wins(T7th), 0 Poles(T5th), 0 Top 2’s(T9th), 0 Top 3’s(T13th), 0 Top 5’s(T16th), 1 Top 10(T16th), 1 DNF(T31st), 0 Stage Wins(T6th), 3 Stage Top 10’s(T14th), 11 Stage Points(16th), 0 Playoff Points earned in a race(T8th)
  • Notable Streaks this year
  • 2 straight Top 5 finishes
  • 3 straight Top 10 finishes
  • 2022 Short Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Short Track start, 51 drivers)
  • 4 Races, Avg. Finish 19.25(23rd), Best 16th, Worst 23rd, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 0 Top 10’s, 0 Top 15’s, 2 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 0.88 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Small Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Small Track start, 41 drivers)
  • 2 Races, Avg. Finish 19.0(T20th), Best 8th, Worst 30th, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 1 Top 10, 1 Top 15, 1 Finish out of Top 20, 1 DNF, 0 Stage Wins, 0.00 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Intermediate Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Intermediate Track start, 62 drivers)
  • 8 Races, Avg. Finish 19.75(25th), Best 5th, Worst 34th, Led 0.66% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 1 Top 5, 2 Top 10’s, 2 Top 15’s, 4 Finishes out of Top 20, 1 DNF, 0 Stage Wins, 1.56 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Big Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Big Track start, 36 drivers)
  • 1 Race, Avg. Finish 10.0(10th), Best 10th, Worst 10th, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 1 Top 10, 1 Top 15, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 0.00 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Road Course Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Road Course start, 51 drivers)
  • 3 Races, Avg. Finish 16.67(18th), Best 13th, Worst 20th, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 0 Top 10’s, 1 Top 15, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 0.00 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Superspeedway Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Superspeedway start, 50 drivers)
  • 3 Races, Avg. Finish 14.33(16th), Best 4th, Worst 31st, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 1 Top 5, 2 Top 10’s, 2 Top 15’s, 1 Finish out of Top 20, 1 DNF, 0 Stage Wins, 2.83 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Dirt Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Dirt Track start, 46 drivers)
  • 2 Races, Avg. Finish 18.5(T21st), Best 15th, Worst 22nd, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 0 Top 10’s, 1 Top 15, 1 Finish out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 0.00 Stage Pts Per Stage
Tanner Gray got off to a hot fast start this year pulling out 2 Top 5’s and 3 Top 10’s in the first 3 races. Then reality hit and the last 20 races produced 0 Top 5’s and 3 Top 10’s. All of this got Gray a 17.96 average finish and what’s more is he had 3 DNF’s and only 49 Stage Pts this year. While all of this isn’t that great the playoffs were even worse as he had a 19.43 average finish with only 1 Top 10 and 11 Stage Pts in 7 races. The track stats for Gray aren’t great either as none of his average finishes were better than 10.0, and the 10.0 was at Big tracks where only one race was held. His best tracks I’d say were Superspeedways though where Gray averaged a 14.33 finish with 1 Top 5 and 2 Top 10’s in 3 races. As for his worst tracks this year Gray struggled on Intermediates, even though he had 1 Top 5 at these tracks he also only had 2 Top 10’s in 8 races and half his finishes were outside the Top 20. All in all Gray’s season was mediocre at best leading to his C grade, and with 2023 being his 4th Truck season I believe he needs to show more next year in order to keep his NASCAR dreams alive.
Final Grade: C

Ryan Preece – 18th in points

*Only ran 10 races this season due to sharing the 17 truck.

2022 Stats
Category Statistic 2022 Rank ÂŞRank Thru 23 Races
 Avg. Fin.¹ 4.6 1st of 31 1st of 206
 Wins 1 T6th of 106 T35th of 752
 Poles 1 T5th of 106 T24th of 752
 Top 2’s 2 T7th of 106 T49th of 752
 Top 3’s 4 T7th of 106 T36th of 752
 Top 5’s 7 T8th of 106 T43rd of 752
 Top 10’s 9 12th of 106 T75th of 752
 DNF’sÂą 0 T1st of 31 T1st of 206
 Stage Wins 3 T5th of 106 T25th of 642*
 Stage T10s 13 14th of 106 T74th of 642*
 Stage Pts 82 13th of 106 66th of 642*
 Playoff Pts² 8 7th of 106 T31st of 642*

ÂŞSince Playoffs started in 2016
ÂąRanks of drivers with 10+ starts in a year
²Earned from races only
*Stage racing started in 2017

  • Playoff Statistics this year (Rank among drivers with 1+ playoff start, 59 drivers, Avg. Finish and DNF ranks among drivers with 3+ playoff starts, 41 drivers)
  • 3 Races, Avg. Finish 3.67(1st), 0 Wins(T7th), 0 Poles(T5th), 0 Top 2’s(T9th), 1 Top 3(T6th), 3 Top 5’s(T3rd), 3 Top 10’s(T11th), 0 DNF’s(T1st), 0 Stage Wins(T6th), 4 Stage Top 10’s(T12th), 22 Stage Points(12th), 0 Playoff Points earned in a race(T8th)
  • Notable Streaks this year
  • 2 straight Top 5 finishes
  • 2 straight Top 2 finishes in races he ran
  • 3 straight Top 3 finishes in races he ran
  • 5 straight Top 5 finishes in races he ran (active streak)
  • 2022 Short Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Short Track start, 51 drivers)
  • 0 Races
  • 2022 Small Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Small Track start, 41 drivers)
  • 0 Races
  • 2022 Intermediate Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Intermediate Track start, 62 drivers)
  • 7 Races, Avg. Finish 4.71(2nd), Best 1st, Worst 11th, Led 11.58% of laps run, 1 Win, 1 Pole, 1 Top 2, 3 Top 3’s, 5 Top 5’s, 6 Top 10’s, 7 Top 15’s, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 3 Stage Wins, 5.79 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Big Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Big Track start, 36 drivers)
  • 1 Race, Avg. Finish 2.0(2nd), Best 2nd, Worst 2nd, Led 10.0% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 1 Top 2, 1 Top 3, 1 Top 5, 1 Top 10, 1 Top 15, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 0.00 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Road Course Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Road Course start, 51 drivers)
  • 0 Races
  • 2022 Superspeedway Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Superspeedway start, 50 drivers)
  • 2 Races, Avg. Finish 5.5(2nd), Best 4th, Worst 7th, Led 1.74% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 1 Top 5, 2 Top 10’s, 2 Top 15’s, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 1.0 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Dirt Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Dirt Track start, 46 drivers)
  • 0 Races
Ryan Preece only ran 10 races this season, but man what a 10 races they were. Preece’s average finish of 4.6 was the best of any driver who’s ran 10+ races since the playoffs started in 2016. Also all but 3 of Preece’s 2022 ranks above are 10th or better which is very impressive considering he only ran 10 of 23 races. Preece’s only finish outside the Top 10 was an 11th at Charlotte where he was battling for the win until a late race accident. To cap his amazing season off he had 5 straight Top 5’s in races he ran, 3 of which were in the playoffs. Preece had a 3.67 average finish in the 3 playoff races he ran which is incredible. As impressive as this all is Preece was a bit of a one trick pony though as 7 of his 10 races were on Intermediates, this is why his grade below is a little lower than one might think. Preece did not have a bad track this year as he only raced on Intermediates, Big tracks and Superspeedways and he was good at them all. Overall Preece had an impressive season, but only racing on those tracks doesn’t tell us much about how a full season would have been. Next year as Preece heads to the 41 Cup car I see him being decent and maybe a fringe playoff contender with maybe a fluke win.
Final Grade: A-

Hailie Deegan – 21st in points

2022 Stats
Category Statistic 2022 Rank ÂŞRank Thru 23 Races
 Avg. Fin.¹ 22.13 23rd of 31 150th of 206
 Wins 0 T16th of 106 T85th of 752
 Poles 0 T10th of 106 T63rd of 752
 Top 2’s 0 T19th of 106 T129th of 752
 Top 3’s 0 T20th of 106 T154th of 752
 Top 5’s 0 T22nd of 106 T186th of 752
 Top 10’s 2 T20th of 106 T147th of 752
 DNF’sÂą 7 T29th of 31 T184th of 206
 Stage Wins 0 T13th of 106 T82nd of 642*
 Stage T10s 3 T23rd of 106 T132nd of 642*
 Stage Pts 7 T24th of 106 T135th of 642*
 Playoff Pts² 0 T14th of 106 T80th of 642*

ÂŞSince Playoffs started in 2016
ÂąRanks of drivers with 10+ starts in a year
²Earned from races only
*Stage racing started in 2017

  • Playoff Statistics this year (Rank among drivers with 1+ playoff start, 59 drivers, Avg. Finish and DNF ranks among drivers with 3+ playoff starts, 41 drivers)
  • 7 Races, Avg. Finish 18.43(T21st), 0 Wins(T7th), 0 Poles(T5th), 0 Top 2’s(T9th), 0 Top 3’s(T13th), 0 Top 5’s(T16th), 1 Top 10(T16th), 1 DNF(T31st), 0 Stage Wins(T6th), 0 Stage Top 10’s(T24th), 0 Stage Points(T23rd), 0 Playoff Points earned in a race(T8th)
  • Notable Streaks this year
  • none
  • 2022 Short Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Short Track start, 51 drivers)
  • 4 Races, Avg. Finish 18.0(22nd), Best 13th, Worst 26th, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 0 Top 10’s, 2 Top 15’s, 1 Finish out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 0.00 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Small Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Small Track start, 41 drivers)
  • 2 Races, Avg. Finish 23.0(28th), Best 15th, Worst 31st, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 0 Top 10’s, 1 Top 15, 1 Finish out of Top 20, 1 DNF, 0 Stage Wins, 1.0 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Intermediate Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Intermediate Track start, 62 drivers)
  • 8 Races, Avg. Finish 23.75(36th), Best 17th, Worst 33rd, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 0 Top 10’s, 0 Top 15’s, 5 Finishes out of Top 20, 2 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 0.00 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Big Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Big Track start, 36 drivers)
  • 1 Race, Avg. Finish 33.0(33rd), Best 33rd, Worst 33rd, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 0 Top 10’s, 0 Top 15’s, 1 Finish out of Top 20, 1 DNF, 0 Stage Wins, 0.00 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Road Course Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Road Course start, 51 drivers)
  • 3 Races, Avg. Finish 25.33(34th), Best 10th, Worst 34th, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 1 Top 10, 1 Top 15, 2 Finishes out of Top 20, 2 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 0.5 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Superspeedway Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Superspeedway start, 50 drivers)
  • 3 Races, Avg. Finish 19.67(T28th), Best 6th, Worst 36th, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 1 Top 10, 1 Top 15, 1 Finish out of Top 20, 1 DNF, 0 Stage Wins, 0.00 Stage Pts Per Stage
  • 2022 Dirt Track Stats (Avg. Fin. rank among drivers with 1+ Dirt Track start, 46 drivers)
  • 2 Races, Avg. Finish 16.5(T16th), Best 15th, Worst 18th, Led 0.00% of laps run, 0 Wins, 0 Poles, 0 Top 2’s, 0 Top 3’s, 0 Top 5’s, 0 Top 10’s, 1 Top 15, 0 Finishes out of Top 20, 0 DNF’s, 0 Stage Wins, 0.00 Stage Pts Per Stage
In her Sophomore Truck season Hailie Deegan struggled to say the least. With a 22.13 average finish, 2 Top 10’s, 7 Stage Pts and 7 DNF’s there isn’t much good to say about her season. The playoffs faired a bit better for Deegan as she had an 18.43 average finish (which was better than her teammate Tanner Gray) with 1 Top 10 and only 1 DNF in 7 races. The bad news is she had 0 Stage Pts in those 7 races as well, meaning she wasn’t running up front much. Deegan’s track stats don’t fair much better as her best tracks were Dirt tracks where she had an average finish of 16.5 with 1 Top 15 in 2 races. Her worst tracks were Intermediates and Big tracks where she had average finishes of 23.75 and 33.0 respectively. In the 9 total races on these tracks she had 0 Top 15’s and 6 finishes outside the Top 20, with only 3 of those finishes being DNF’s. All in all Deegan’s 2022 season was a disappointment and not what a lot of people expected. Next year heading to Thorsport (presumably) the expectations will be even greater and not making the playoffs will be a massive disappointment, but lets remember she’s only 21 years old.
Final Grade: D+
If you liked this article (or even if you didn’t) go check out the season reviews for Cup being done by Robert Cwik and Griffin Fuller on Pit Pass Network titled “2022 Season in Review: *team name*”. Also keep a lookout for their Xfinity and Truck reviews that will be coming soon. Compare and contrast between my numbers based review and their more eye test review with outlook for 2023 and overall team grade.
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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Cup drivers: Kyle Larson & Ross Chastain, Xfinity drivers: SVG & Ryan Sieg, Truck drivers: Grant Enfinger & Jake Garcia

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