2024 Watkins Glen Trip Experience


Like my article last year, my dad and myself took our annual tour bus trip to Watkins Glen for the Cup race on Sunday. While this was our fourth or so year going, every year has really had a slightly different experience. This year proved to be one of the more interesting ones for sure.

  • Note: All images are my own

We begin with a pretty drastic change in itinerary from previous years. Those years we would depart our pickup around 7:30am, this year however that was moved to 10:30am. The trip, counting two other pick-up points and rest stops takes around 3 hours. Our arrival to the track this year was around 2:30pm, with a green flag shortly after 3. Needless to say there was really no time to take in all the pre-race festivities and events.

Seeing the backside of race morning was a different experience for sure. While I was able to get to the merch trailer I wanted to, seeing the surrounding activity was somewhat unexpected. While the crowd has mostly made their way to the stands by our arrival, the quick walk to the Trackhouse / Chevrolet trailer was interesting. 

What most do not see after the green flag drops is the amount of dismantling and tear down already going on. With the trailers and food vendor still operating, many of the vendors and maintenance were already at work returning the track to its regular state. However, admittedly it was nice to not have to deal with the crowds and general dodging of people in the morning.

We still managed to see most of the race in the stands (thank you first caution a handful of laps in). Weather was definitely on our side this year, as it was a perfect combination of clouds, low humidity and most imporatantly….no rain. 

The race itself was a joy to watch this year, as the racing for the lead was almost constant. From the stands, you can see Shane van Gisbergen spending the first two stages virtually every green flag lap trying to put a run on then leader Ross Chastain. However, Chastain’s reputation as one of the hardest to pass in the series rang true in the beginning. The bulk of the event was very comfortable this year as a spectator. Extra kudos to the track replacing the scoring bill board with a televised timing and scoring jumbotron a couple years ago.

With such a great race, the opportunities for some great pictures was rampant this year. Above you will find a gallery with some of my favorite images. The biggest advantage to taking the bus tour is at race conclusion, the bus is parked right by the front gates, which limits the headache of trying to leave with everyone else.

Big credit also goes to the rest stops along the thruway as most are now completely remolded and open. Considering the timing of our trip, it was much easier to get refreshments and food at these, instead of the sometimes over priced track vendors. 


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